Bulletin Board

President AIEPWA writes to PM & DG ITBP

President wrote to Prime Minister and DG ITBP on 27th Mar, appreciating and supporting the national effort in fight against ‘CORONA VIRUS’, and offering the services of ITBP veterans in this national cause.

DO to PM 27.03.20

DO to DG ITBP 27.03.20

AIEPWA’s Contact RALLY at Palampur meets an overwhelming Response

AIEPWA ने पालमपुर में विशाल रैली की


AIEPWA held a massive Contact Event at Palampur, near Kangra, HP on 25 th Sept 2019. More than a hundred retired Himveers attended the Rally and besides meet and greet, many ex ITBP stalwarts shared their thoughts, addressing them with enthusiasm. During exchange of ideas and discussions with the President, General secretary, and the Vice President, some of the common grievances that were highlighted are as follows :

  • Poor coverage and facilities of CGHS services in Him Pradesh.
  • Very lethargic and lackadaisical approach of ITBP Dte Gen towards the welfare of retired personnel
  • Long pendency of revision of Pension cases, and restructuring of Med Assistance Allowance
  • No effective Scheme of rehabilitation of widows and dependents of deceased personnel
  • Ineffective WARB and CPC, No benefits reaching to 95 % of retired Personnel

 President AIEPWA calls on DG ITBP and submits a Memorandum

The President of AIEPWA Sh M S Bhurji called on the DG ITBP Sh SS Deswal on 10th Dec ’18 at Dte Gen ITBP and had a discission on various matters of Ex-ITBPian welfare for 45 minutes. DIG Welfare, and a rep of CRO were in attendance. A Memorandum on our expectations and demand was also submitted, the brief gist of which follows

AIEPWA holds Open House & Membership Drive in Delhi

AIEPWA organised its first Open House Meeting session for its members and ex-ITBPF personnel at Tigri Camp ITBP,New delhi, on 9th Dec ’18. After initial welcome address by Gen Secy and introductions, the President AIEPWA spoke to the gathering outlining the purpose of forming the Associations, and about the status and plight of retired personnel.He expressed his vision and plans in the welfare of its members, and the serving brethrens too. A Presentation on theAims and Objectives, the structure and priorities of the Association was also made. Shri GS Virk, and a few others sharedtheir views about setting out the goals, and the problems of the ex-Himveers. A demonstration on the Website of the Association was given, acquainting the audience with its various features.

Golden Sampark Magazine for senior Citizens

The Magazines has many interesting reads/ info for senior citizens. Please have a look.


Important Instructions, Orders and advisories issued by GOI

Some Important Instructions, Orders and advisories issued by GOI/ its various Ministries/ Depptts are enclosed herewith. Please have a look…….

1. MHA Order on designating Ex-CAPF personnel to retired CAPF presonnel


2.  Documents to be submittedby Family Pensioners


3.  Submission of Life Certificate – new Instructions


4.  Downloading of Index cards and validity of CGHS Cards


5.  Excerpts of Meeting on COVID Vaccinations


6. Process for Pension Settlement where a retiree expires prior to filing Pension Papers


7.  Health Minister’s Letter to Finance Minister


8.  RBI : Master Circular – Disbursement of Government Pension by Agency Banks

http://Master Circular – Disbursement of Government Pension by Agency Banks




DG’S Message to ex-Himveers

17 Apr 2020

Dear Himveers,
It is tough time around the world for humans due to invisible Corona virus attacking humans indiscriminately. INDIA has made multiple arrangements to control its damaging consequences. COVID19 PROTOCOL safety measures have been strictly enforced by all agencies fully supported by public. Activities of all citizens are confined to homes. It may cause difficulties in our daily life, may directly get affected by covid. All our Himveers have rendered selfless services during your service phases. Today ITBP has attained heights due to your generation of Himveers. You put your life and blood at stake, sweated day and night ,but dedicatedly kept ITBP flag flying high.

Several of your colleagues made supreme sacrifices. Your sincere and passionate efforts served the nation and society continuously, you set great ethics and practices as a way of life. ITBP is well respected and dependable force of the nation. Great salute to you all.

Now in these tough times, in case you face any difficulty, please contact your nearest field unit. They are ever ready to help you out. You have trained this force to help people in need. We are with all our retirees in this phase of life. ITBP is rendering great services to nation as country needs, with your blessings and good wishes. Jai ITBP, Jai Hind.


(S S Deswal)
Director General
Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force

Govt Of India issues Notification reg change in Nomenclature of ex-servicemen of CAPF


The retired/ ex-servicemen of CAPFs have been nominated as ‘EX-CAPF Personnel’, please see the Notification dt 07.02.2020 below

AIEPWA Office at Tpt Bn established

We are happy to announce that a functional Office is now open at Tpt Bn, at the old Tpt Bn Office Building (120 men Barrack)

For SBI Pension Account Holders.


SBI Pension Seva is a website where pensioners drawing their pension from SBI can login and check their pension-related details instantly. You can view the pension payment details from the first pension onwards as well as other details.

The link is shown below: https://www.pensionseva.sbi/WebPages/Login/PensionerRegistration.aspx

The services available on this website include:

1. Download of Arrear Calculation Sheets

2. Download of Pensionslip/Form 16

3. Pension Profile Details

4. Investment-related Details

5. Life Certificate Status

6. TransactionsDetails

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of AIEPWA to be held on 1st Jun ’19                                                                                                                                20 Apr, 2019

Dear Member

As mandated in the Constitution of the association, the Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) under the Chairmanship of the President has been scheduled on 1st June at Tpt Bn Campus at 1100 hrs. The Sequence of business will be as follows……
  1. Presentation and passing of Annual Report by Gen Secretary
  2. Presentation and passing of Annual Balance Sheet and Accounts
  3. Discussion and passing of Resolutions, if any
  4. Any other business on agenda, or permitted by the Chairman Any Member desirous of submitting any Resolution for the Agenda, may send it in writing 30 days before the AGM at following address –
The General Secretary AIEPWA, PO Box No. 19
GPO Sector 17, Chandigarh

The Agenda will be circulated 20 days before the Meeting. You are therefore requested to attend the Meeting as above and oblige

प्रिय सदस्य,
जैसा कि संघ के गठन की अनिवार्यता के अनुसार ‘वार्षिक आम सभा’ (AGM) जोकि 1 जून 2019 को President AIEPWA की अध्यक्षता में Tpt Bn कैम्पस में 1100 बजे निर्धारित किया गया है। सभा का अनुक्रम निम्नानुसार होगा.

1. जनरल सेक्रेटरी द्वारा वार्षिक रिपोर्ट की प्रस्तुति और पारित करना
2. वार्षिक बैलेंस शीट और खातों की प्रस्तुति और पारित करना
3. यदि कोई हो तो, प्रस्तावों पर चर्चा और पारित करना।
4. चेयरमैन की अनुमति से, कोई अन्य प्रस्ताव

कोई प्रस्ताव प्रस्तुत करने के इच्छुक सदस्य लिखित रूप में इसे Annual General Meeting से 30 दिन पहले निम्नलिखित पते पर भेज सकता है-
अखिल भारतीय भूतपूर्व ITBP कर्मचारी कल्याण संघ
पोस्ट बॉक्स 19
जीपीओ, सेक्टर 17
एजेंडा बैठक से 20 दिन पहले जारी किया जाएगा। अत: आपसे अनुरोध किया जाता है कि उपरोक्त बैठक में भाग लें और उपकृत करें।
काबुल सिंह बाजवा, आईजी (retd)                                                              Kabul Singh Bajwa IG retd,

जनरल सेक्रेटरी                                                                                                Gen Secretary, AIEPWA            

3.   Update on Ex-Ct Nirbhay Singh

13 Sep ’18
We have received a response from Comdt 51 Bn. He sent a rep to his residence and gathered necessary information. Reply is as follows

Reply by Comdt 51 Bn

20 Sep ’18 
Our Mail to Dte Gen has made an impact, and the administrative wheels have moved.  The reply from ‘Welfare & Grievance Branch’ today states that i) the case for revised Pension had been sent to CPAO in Aug ’18, and he has been informed accordingly, ii) Case for  grant of outstanding arrears of ‘Constant Attendant Allowance’ amounting to Rs 5,91,750.00 has been forwarded to CPAO. Office of IG (NW) has been directed to send a Special Messenger to him with relevant information, iii) Comdt 8 NDRF (Bhatinda) has been asked to prepare and forward case for compassionate appointment of his son.
We are thankful to DG ITBP and staff for taking expeditious action.


Our efforts to get additional monetary support to the beleaguered Ct Nirbhay Singh have yielded results.

He has received the awaited ‘Constant Attendant Allowance’ of Rs 5 lakh 91 thousand recently. Our kudos to Welfare branch Dte Gen, and Comdts of Patiala and Bhatinda Bns

4.   HUMOUR – A Critical Overview on Cadre Reviews


5. WARB – How effective it is ?

(A comparision with Army Wefare Institutions)



A debate is on to boycott Chinese products to promote and encourage indian manufactured goods. It makes sense to avoid such products, and not go for cheap Chinese articles, such as Mobile Phones,other electronic goods. Similar indigenous products are available.

A Petition in this regard has also been sent to the Prime Minister. See at https://www.change.org/p/narendra-modi-ban-chinese-product-in-india-no-trade-with-china

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