The All India Ex-ITBP Personnel Welfare Association (AIEPWA) held its 6th Contact and Redressal Rally for retired Indo Tibetan Border Police Force ex-Himveers, at 52 Bn Campus Amritsar on 4th April. 72 retired Himveers including 6 lady-wives from Punjab, and Jammu region attended the Rally with gusto and enthusiasm. The Rally was organised under the able leadership of their Commandant Narender Singh of the 52nd Battalion ITBP, and the Governing Council of the Association conducted the proceedings, presided over by its President Sh M S Bhurji, IG retired, Gen Secretary Sh K S Bajwa, IG retd, and the Vice President Sh D R Sharma, Comdt retd.

Opening the proceedings, Gen Secy welcomed and introduced the attendees, and informed about the history and work done in the previous year by the Association, its achievements and efforts. The President in his address laid out the Aim and Objectives, the grievances redressed, and exhorted the retired Himveers to get organised, establish communication and bonding with each other, and extend a helping hand to assist and help among themselves. He further informed them of the various endeavours of the Association in taking up their cases with Govt of India, State Govt, and the Department; in revision of Pension,  regularisation of allowances, CGHS facility, canteen facilities, issue of liquor, and financial assistance to the needy etc. Many in the audiences put forward their grievances and suggestions for amelioration of their status and dignity as a proud retired soldier. Two veterans, who joined the Force in 1962, were also cited and honoured. The Rally concluded with a ‘Bara Khana’.

The retired personnel of ITBP, who have given their youth and vigour in the service of the nation in most difficult, risky and health threatening condition in remote and high-altitude mountains, want  a recognition, life of honour and dignity, and basic and improved medical cover, facilities of Canteen/ liquor at par with Army ex-servicemen. The AIEPWA, which has completed 3 years, is working perseveringly to reach out and provide them a platform to get united and organised to make their voices heard. It has contributed Rs 1.14 lakh to the PM Covid Relief Fund out of their Pensions, and is committed in nation building, its Defence and well-being.


अखिल भारतीय पूर्व आईटीबीपी कार्मिक कल्याण संघ (एआईईपीडब्ल्यूए) ने 4 अप्रैल को 52 Bn कैंपस अमृतसर में सेवानिवृत्त भारत तिब्बत सीमा पुलिस बल पूर्व-हिमवीर के लिए अपनी 6 वीं संपर्क और निवारण रैली आयोजित की। पंजाब और जम्मू क्षेत्र से 6 महिला-पत्नियों सहित 72 सेवानिवृत्त हिमवीर उत्साह और जोश के साथ रैली में शामिल हुए। रैली 52 वीं बटालियन ITBP के उनके कमांडेंट नरेंद्र सिंह के कुशल नेतृत्व में आयोजित की गई थी, और एसोसिएशन की संचालन परिषद ने कार्यवाही का संचालन किया, जिसकी अध्यक्षता इसके अध्यक्ष श्री एम एस भूरजी, आईजी सेवानिवृत्त, जनरल सेक्रेटरी श्री के एस बाजवा, आईजी सेवानिवृत्त और उपाध्यक्ष श्री डीआर शर्मा, कमांडेंट सेवानिवृत्त ने की।

कार्यवाही शुरू करने हुए, महासचिव ने उपस्थित लोगों का स्वागत किया और परिचय कराया, और एसोसिएशन द्वारा पिछले वर्ष में किए गए इतिहास और कार्यों, इसकी उपलब्धियों और प्रयासों के बारे में जानकारी दी। अध्यक्ष ने अपने संबोधन में संस्था के उद्देश्य और लक्ष्य को निर्धारित किया, शिकायतों का निवारण , और सेवानिवृत्त हिमवीर को संगठित होने, एक दूसरे के साथ संचार और संबंध स्थापित करने और आपस में सहायता और मदद करने के लिए उत्प्रेरित किया। उन्होंने आगे भारत सरकार, राज्य सरकार और विभाग के साथ अपने मामलों को उठाने में एसोसिएशन के विभिन्न प्रयासों की जानकारी दी; पेंशन में संशोधन, भत्ते का नियमितीकरण, सीजीएचएस सुविधा, कैंटीन सुविधाएं जारी करना, और जरूरतमंदों को वित्तीय सहायता आदि। कई सदस्यों ने अपनी स्थिति और सम्मान के लिए एक गौरवशाली सेवानिवृत्त सैनिक के रूप में अपनी शिकायतों और सुझावों को सामने रखा। 1962 में फोर्स में शामिल हुए दो दिग्गजों का भी हवाला दिया गया और उन्हें सम्मानित किया गया। रैली  ‘बड़ा खाना’ के साथ संपन्न हुई।

ITBP के सेवानिवृत्त कर्मी, जिन्होंने सुदूर और उच्चतम पहाड़ों में, राष्ट्र की सेवा में सबसे कठिन, स्वास्थ्य जोखिम युवाकाल दिया है, एक मान्यता चाहते हैं, सम्मान और गरिमा का जीवन चाहते हैं . बुनियादी और बेहतर सुविधाएं सेना के पूर्व सैनिकों के जैसा मेडिकल कवर, कैंटीन / शराब की सुविधाएं। AIEPWA, जो 3 साल पूरे कर चुका है, अपनी आवाज़ करने बुलंद के लिए एकजुट और संगठित होने के लिए उन्हें यथोचित तक पहुँचाने और उन्हें एक मंच प्रदान करने के लिए दृढ़ता से काम कर रहा है। इस संघ ने पीएम कोविद राहत कोष में 1.14 लाख रुपये का योगदान अपनी पेंशन से दिया है, और यह राष्ट्र निर्माण, इसकी रक्षा और कल्याण के लिए प्रतिबद्ध है।


News Item on Zee News, says ITBP has introduced online Liquor Distribution System for serving, as well as retired personnel, by which any eligible person can draw a fixed monthly quota from any nearest Canteen. You ca access the information at “”

Latest Status of Pension Revision

Pl click on the LINK given below to find the latest status of Pension Revision Cases, as per ITBP Website

Latest status of pension revision

AIEPWA donates Rs ONE LAKH to ‘PM CARES’ Fund.

The members of AIEPWA donated Rs One Lakh for the ‘PM Cares’ Fund on 3rd Apr ’20, honouring the call of Prime Minister, to augment the national effort to fight the CORONA Virus.

The details of Donors appears here….

Important Orders of Govt of India/ CGHS reg Corona Virus Crisis

              1. Guidelines in view of the Corona Virus Infection

Guidelines in view of the Corona Virus Infection

      2. Retail sale of drugs at the doorstep of Consumers

Door-step Delivery of Medicines

      3. Reimbursement of OPD Medicines : Special Sanction in view of COVID-19

Reimbursem-ent of OPD Medicines- Special Sanction


AIEPWA held its Contact Rally at Ludhiana on the Force Raising Day, the 24th Oct 2019. 25 Veterans from various parts of Punjab attended the Rally, which was held in the  26th Bn Campus, Baddowal. The event was organised under the supervision and guidance of our capable Secretary of Punjab sub-Committee, Mohinder Singh Comdt retd with the assistance and support of Comdt 26th Bn and his team. The Day being also the Raising Day of the Force, veterans of the state of Punjab, many who had joined the Force in 1962, 63 and 1964, spoke on the occasion, reminiscing of their experiences of the formative years of the Force. Sh Mehal Singh, retd AC,m who joined ITBPF in Nov 1962 was eloquent in his speech about the early and difficult years in the Force in Ladakh. He was also honoured by AIEPWA with a gift and Memento for his service to the Force and Nation.

The Rally concluded with the address of the President, and a sumptous Lunch hosted by the Unit.

PENSION ADALAT being held at Tpt Bn Chandigarh on 23 Aug ’19

All Members, those who have a grievance about Pension may attend Pension adalat as per details give in the Letter below :-

Pension Adaalat – 23 Aug ’19

AIEPWA holds its First Annual General Meeting on 1st Jun 2019

The AIEPWA held a rally of retired ITBP personnel at SS bn Saboli on 10th Feb.

Life on the edge: Border units lack basic amenities

Vijaita Singh

“THE HINDU” December 16, 2018 00:24 IST

Stranglehold of IPS Over Central Armed Police Forces Has To Be Broken Immediately
Date: 14 Aug 2018
Originated by Swarajya Magazine


Grant of Scholarship – Police Memorial Fund

AIEPWA initiative bears Results – Mobile Canteen for 32 Sector Chandigarh

A Mobile Dry Canteen (on a Bus – see Picture) has started functioning at 32 Sector SFA Colony  for Families/ Ex- Himveers. This was one of the points raised to the DG ITBP in a Meeting with on ………… We are Thankful to Addl DG Western Command, and CO Tpt Bn.

ITBP Bn pays respects to the departed ex-Himveer

6Bn NDRF (ITBP) Bhatinda gave a military honour salute and laid wreath on the cremation of expired Ex-Himveer Sh Surjit Singh Joga on 13 Jun 21. We are very Thankful to the CO and his Unit


Following Ex-Himveers have passed away recently due to various causes. AIEPWA expresses its heartfelt Codolences and pray to God to give them peace in heaven.


Sh M S Khardeker        Sh Surjit Sigh Joga     Sh Gulzar Singh     Sh Kashmir Singh       Sh Ganga Prashad

Dy Comdt (Tele)                  AC (GD)                      AC (GD)                  HC (GD)                      HC (GD)


Sh Sher Chand                   Sh Bhanwar singh       Sh Suren Deori              Sh Ghar Singh

Insp (GD)                             HC (GD)                       HC (GD)                         Insp (GD)



PRIME MINISTER’S Message on Celebrating Deepawali

Clarification reg Treatment of CGHS Beneficiaries at Govt Hospitals

It is a clarification reg treatment by CGHS beneficiaries from ‘Any’ Govt. Hospital. Pl see the document given below…..

Treatment of CGHS-beneficiaries at Government Hospitals 

Revision in Liquor Issue Quota for retired ITBP Personnel

Pl see the document in the Link below………

AIEPWA member donates liberally to CM Relief Fund

Ex Comdt Mohinder Singh presenting a Cheque to Punjab Minister

AIEPWA holds grand Contact RALLY at Palampur 25th Sep’19


See the order of MHA here :-

Read the complete Judgement of Delhi High Court


AIEPWA member Padamshree Harbhajan Singh, IG retd, Honoured with Maharaja Ranjeet Singh Award by Punjab Govt

The President AIEPWA writes to all Comdts, DIGs and IGs

An upright and brave Himveer passes away.

The President and all Members of AIEPWA offer their Condolences

on untimely and unfortunate demise

President AIEPWA holds Greivance Session in KERALA

President AIEPWA visited 27th Bn Noornad, Kerala, on 18th Feb’19 as per plan, and held a Grievance redressal-cum-interaction session with appox 40 ex-Himveers. President informed them about the creation, aims and objectives, and the activities of the Association. The President spoke to them about the recent developments in the Force,  various rulings, verdicts and orders of GOI concerning the retired personnel, and heard their grievances. 27th Bn graciously hosted the Event, and served a sumptuous Lunch.Kudos to Comdt Vishal Anand and his team.

Originated by DOPT

ITBP Band Concert At tagore theatre Chandigarh on 05 Sep 2018

Chandigarh, September 5

The Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) band gave a musical performance at the Tagore Theatre here on Wednesday. This was the first such concert by the ITBP band in Chandigarh.

The 72-member ITBP band led by Maj Nazir Hussain VSM left the audience spellbound.The band presented patriotic, theme-based filmy songs and western symphonies. 

It included electronic , percussion, string and wind instruments, including clarinets, guitars, octopads, brass band pipes, tabla, xylophone — all played to perfection in perfect synchronisation.

The repertoire of western music compositions included various traditional  martial  compositions such as Hungarian dance, Over the waves, Faron Doll, Redez key, La Polma and Love story. The band presented Bollywood numbers such as ‘Chura liya hai tumne jo dil ko’, ‘Yeh hai Bombay meri jaan’, and a Kathak dance.

The chief guest, VP Singh Badnore, Punjab Governor, honoured the artistes, while RK Pachnanada, Director General, ITBP, presented a souvenir to the chief guest.

– From “The Tribune” and “Chandigarh Dak”

Disquiet in the Forces

In recent years there has been a sharp increase in the number of soldiers quitting the CAPFs


Pensioners Life Certificate – Get it Online now

For submission of
Jeevan Pramaan to bank every year in Nov/Dec,
we no need to go to bank.
Just login to “” site. Click generate live certificate.  Give your adhar number.  It sends OTP to your mobile.  Feed it n will get your live certificate within seconds.




It is with a deep sorrow to inform that Shri Sadhu Singh Sekhon, Dy Comdt (retd) expired on 15th Sep at his res at the age of 75. He was an upright and sincere Officer, and a dear colleague to all of us. He is survived by a son and a daughter, both well-settled. It is a great loss to our community of AIEPWA, and ITBP. AIEPWA members are planning to attend his ‘Bhog’ Ceremony at vill Khalifabag, Dhuri Road, Sangrur on 23rd Sep ’18.

May God give him a place in heaven.

Do justice to the CAPF personnel

Petition to Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi by Ravi ponoth

Present status of cases of revision of Pension, reply by Dte Gen ITBP to our DO to DG ITBP

Hyundai Motors India Ltd offers discount on its models to CAPF at par with CSD

Discount on MAHINDRA Cars


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